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What is the OGA Tour?

The OGA Tour is a collection of 34 18-hole one day gross and net competitions. There are 17 individual series events and 17 partner series events. Within both series there is an open division and a senior division. There is no eligibility requirements to play in an OGA Tour but members of the OGA receive a discount on their entry.

Either men or women may register to play and for the partner series men and women and can partner up to make a side. Men and women will play from from their appropriate tee and handicaps will be adjusted accordingly. 

Each event competitions include gross and net individual stroke play for the individual series. The partner series competition is gross and net Four-Ball format. Within each division players are broken into flights based on handicap and compete for gross and net prizes. In addition there are skill shot competitions and players can sign up for an optional $5 gross and net skins game are available at each event

Players who play consistently will earn points to receive an invitation to the OGA Tour Championship. 

For more information on the OGA Tour and to the view the schedule: click here