Home Club, score type, home score
The Home Club is a definition in the Rules of Handicapping, and is the player’s primary golf club (when the player is a member of more than one club; meaning, on the handicapping roster of more than one club) as designated by the player to ensure their Handicap Index is managed in accordance with the Rules of Handicapping. The player should use frequency of play as the main factor in determining the Home Club. The OGA or the club Handicap Chair as the ability to set the designation in GHIN as per the player's request.
A score type is also a definition in the Rules of Handicapping, and is a designation that identifies the type of acceptable score that appears within a player’s scoring record (see Appendix B: Player’s Scoring Record). Score Types that are designated in the score posting process are - C for Competition, N for Nine-Hole, H for Home, A for Away, P for Penalty (solely for use by the club's Handicap Committee). An additional score type of E for Exceptional can be applied by the WHS to the score after it is posted if it qualifies under Rule of Handicapping 5.9 - Submission of an Exceptional Score.