What is the definition of Scratch and Bogey Player?

Scratch and Bogey information is used in Course Rating.

Correct yardage is the most imperative information for course rating. Beyond yardage we look at all of the obstacles that come into play for the male and female, Scratch and Bogey Player for each set of tees. Here are the definitions for both: 
  • Scratch Player: A player 0.0 Handicap Index®. For rating purposes, the male scratch player hits a 250 yard tee shot and can reach a 470 yard hole in two shots at sea level. The female scratch player can hit 210 off the tee and reach a 400 yard hole in two
  • Bogey Player: A male bogey player has a Handicap Index of about 20.0 and can hit 200 off the tee, reaching a 370 yard hole in 2 shots. A female bogey golfer has a Course Handicap of about 24.0 and can hit 150 off the tee and can reach 280 yards in 2 shots