I notice one of my scores has an E by it and there are adjustments showing of -1 and -2. What happened?
What is an E score and why did my handicap go down?
An E score stands for Exceptional Score Reduction (ESR), which is an automated feature of the World Handicap System (Rule of Handicapping 5.9). This occurs when the player posts a score that is at least 7.0 strokes below their Handicap Index at the time it is posted. As the system updates nightly, it will recalculate the player's Handicap Index and display -1.0 reductions for an ESR from 7.0 - 9.9 strokes below the Index, and -2.0 reductions for any ESR that is 10.0 (and more) strokes below. The reductions are displayed in the player's scoring record so the math comes out correctly as reflected in the player's new, adjusted Handicap Index. The player will not show those reductions on subsequent scores (unless they too are ESRs) resulting in the player being able to "play out" of their reduction over time.